Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Lights out! Turn the lights off when you leave the room!

Lights out! Turn the lights off when you leave the room! These are all things that those of use raised back in the days of incandescent light bulbs are used to hearing. It looks like those days may be ending. The US government is moving to change how we light our lives. The latest energy bill bans incandescent light bulb sales starting in like 2012.
This comes at a time when L.E.D. bulbs , while still expensive, are all the rage. I must admit that I have switched to more efficient long lasting mini-florescent bulbs in my small home office, because I noticed a significant heat increase in the summer after having the lights on with the older bulbs. I also like to use the mini-florescent bulbs outdoors where they tend to be for long periods of time, and quality or color light for a yard light is immaterial.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just hate the color temperature of those flourescent bulbs! They make you look like a corpse when you are shaving.