Saturday, January 26, 2008

Let it snow, Let it snow, let it snow...

Between cold temps and a fair bit of snow, the front range over used mountains are starting to get a seasonal rest. El Paso Search and Rescue were out, well...out is a misleading word. It seems they all came to sit in their vehicles and wait. Two 16 year olds were late getting back from hiking and SAR vehicles were all occupied sitting and waiting for the hikers to get themselves down to the road. Gotta love winter!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

endsoftheearth Colorado Springs Gazatte. Happy to chat about anything you want to talk about from the environment to...well anything. My son has a blog Aucklandsburning but I don't go as far as he does when it comes to sustainable living...I come from another generation. My email is favona at hotmail dot com. Earlier this evening i was reading in the Nat Geo about the Lynx reintroduction into your area.