Saturday, November 24, 2007

I can't believe Thanksgiving is over!! Christmas time!!!

Thanksgiving is over, and the Thanksgiving Turkey and Ham are being devoured in sandwiches and soups. My favorite part of Thanksgiving is the leftovers...

Anyway, Tis the season to start thinking Christmas trees, Christmas lights, Christmas parades, and all things Christmas.

Here in the Pikes Peak National Forest, it means the Annual Christmas....err,,oops...Holiday Tree Sales again.

I am most familiar with The Pikes Peak ranger District's Holiday Tree sales which is just outside of Woodland Park. With full details at:

For US Forest Service Holiday Tree sales elsewhere along the Colorado Front Range, see:

It is always fun to get the family together, get your kid's picture taken with Smokey Bear, and go cut your own Christmas tree in the forest.

Merry Christmas to All!!!